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From the Pastor banner
March 28, 2024
The Pastor's Pen
Dear Friends,

  After the 40-day season of Lent, we have nearly arrived at the end of our sacred journey. On Sunday, through worship and song, we will celebrate the glorious mystery of the Resurrection--the gift of new life made possible through the sacrifice of the Son of God.

  Sadly, Stations Through The Square, scheduled for Good Friday tomorrow, will NOT be taking place this year. FPC was ready to host but the organizers decided that it would be best to cancel. Hopefully, Stations will return next year. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to participate.

  I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday. But then, immediately following worship, I will embark on a glorious journey of my own when I start on my Sabbatical. For the next three months I will engage in spiritual renewal through rest and travel. My good friend, Rev. Warner Durnell, will be with you for the time that I am away. I will be unavailable until July, so I ask that you direct any needs or concerns to the church office.

  Easter Blessings,

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Upcoming at FPC
CANCELLED! - Stations Through the Square
Friday, March 29

Sunday, March 31

4-Cents-A-Meal collection
Sunday, March 31

Church Office will be closed
Wednesday, April 3

Worshiping Together
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Easter Sunday
Sermon: Sabbath Rest
Scripture: John 20:1-18
Preacher: Rev. Sherard Edington
Sermon Graphic
Sunday Schedule
 9:00 am   ✠ NCC Worship (Chapel)
10:00 am   ✠ Sunday School
11:00 am   ✠ Sanctuary Worship
Wednesday Fellowship Meals
April 3
Chicken & Rice, Green Beans Almandine, Salad, Carrot Cake

Births, Deaths, Celebrations, Relocations, and more...
Loyce Chinyanga – 3/29
Peggy Reeves – 3/30
Blair Welser – 4/4
Matthew Carroll – 4/6
Meriam Maxwell – 4/8
Alden Simmons – 4/10
William Simmons – 4/10
Jim Stueck – 4/10
Joe Adams – 4/12
Stratton Bone – 4/12
Melissa Barnes – 4/14
Shamah Chinyanga – 4/14
Charles Johnson – 4/15
Aileen Foutch – 4/28
Faye Murphy – 4/28
Parish News
FPC is finally out of the dry-cleaning business. To find out why, go to the Pastor's Blog.
The latest newsletter from the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee can be read here.
FILE CABINET - Documents available for download
    • Session Highlights
    • Pastor's Report
Youth Group banner
YOUTH GROUP (5th -12th grade)
• The Youth meet each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and a program.
Session Highlights
March Meeting
The Session held its monthly stated meeting on Sunday, March 10 at 12:15 p.m. Highlights of the meeting can be viewed here.
The next Session meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 14 at 12:15 p.m.
The 11:00 o'clock Sanctuary service is streamed each Sunday on YouTube and Zoom and Facebook. Detailed information on how to use Zoom can be found on the FPC webpage.
Zoom Dial-up number: 1-312-626-6799
meeting number: 959 167 376
password: 865280
Join YouTube Worship

Join Zoom Worship

Join Facebook Worship
First Presbyterian Church
304 West Main Street
Lebanon, Tennessee 37087
Quick Links
• FPC website
• FPC online calendar
• Presbyterian Church (USA)
• Presbytery of Middle Tennessee